Aryabhatta and the discovery of zero

Hi friends , I am here again to share with you the life of great Indian mathematician Aryabhatta or aryabhatta I from the the classical age of Indian mathematics and astronomy.

Aryabhatta well known for the discovery of zero . But that’s not good enough as the discovery of zero yet significant but amounts to be just a fraction of what all he has mentioned in his book Aryabhatia .

Early Life

Aryabhatta born in kusumapura present day Patna, Bihar . In his book Aryabhatia he mentions it was composed 3600 years ago when he was 23 years old . This corresponds to around 499 CE and was the year when he was born. Some other works describes him as asmaka or one belonging to Asmaka country, a region settled between narmada and godavari river.


In his childhood arybhatta used to show extraordinary intellect and after certain point of time went to kusumapura for advanced studies. A verse mentions him as a head of institution (kalupa) and more wisely also the head of a well known Nalanda university . Aryabhatta also is believed to have build sun Temple in Taregana , Bihar.

“Zero is not a number , it’s an idea to explore and reveal the true identity of world”.

Works & achievement

As said earlier his well known work include the discovery of zero but there are several other notable works mentioned in his book “Aryabhatia” . This include –

  1. Place value system first seen in 3rd century in Bhanushali script.

  2. Approximate value of pi to correct 5 significant places – 3.1416.

3. This approximation was also mentioned in Al Khwarizmi book on algebra in Arabic .Another famous mathematician on him I would be writing blogs but some days later.

4. Trigonometry – the concept of measures of sides of triangle was also given by him starting with the concept of sine .

5 . Summation of series of squares and cubes of natural numbers etc.


Aryabhatta’s work was of great influence in mathematics and astronomy and thus , first space satellite was named after him to give him an honour . Also an inter school maths competition is named after him.

Add 4 to 100 multiply it by 8 and add 62000. This is approximately circumference of circle and divide it by 20000.

Answer is 3.1416.

There are no clear evidence about his death but is believed to be 550 AD in India.

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1 thought on “Aryabhatta and the discovery of zero

  1. Inspiring , good work


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