A controversial news spread in june 1947 …In USA and till date remains controversial about an UFO crash in town of Roswell , New Mexico. The bodies of several aliens were recovered at least in several newspapers and reports submitted by various organisation..

Debris and Radioactive substance

The US Air force denied the event from the very beginning and this leads to an alien conspiracy and over the years took various forms..It claimed to be a surveillance crashed and the debris along with it were a part of so called weather balloon ..but its no denying that it were a part of that UFO which landed in the town as scientist after research explained that it contain radioactive substance..

Memory metal

Also part of strange material was discovered and it was named memory metal because of its unique ability to repeatedly transform its shape back to is original form . If you turn this metal it withstand knife scratch or any other damage and bent in a ghostly way until it transforms back..

In 1995 fox news release film in which two men in lab coats dissected a body at its innards..It was produced by ray santilli and known as the santilli films. A British special effects specialist john Humphrey told the press that he produced an alien doll made of latex for film but later it found that everything was fake..

Also within the dissected body was a so called progeria patient ( those who look old before their age. However by then jon evon danichec gave his alien astronaut theory. So it was evidently by then either a doll or a real Alien was used but certainly not a progeria patient . why?? Because a progeria patient is a born human and therefore have umbilical, cord but the body doesn’t had a naval. UFO believers were shocked was it all lies and cheat ??? Or a conspiracy from department of disinformation ??

Later authors present stories of wright Paterson air base and describe this place in Dayton ,ohio as a true sit of area 51 …And what the hell the government was hiding in area 51 abd why its so restricted from common people . The wright Paterson air force base does have a complex building and was the pieces found there were from a UFO crash ..And what is this memory metal.. this strange metal ? The more you put a material together the more voltage increases and you can’t break it nor scratch it..the material held lighter at one end but had same temperature every where

But what does this extraterrestrial corpse meant..?? A report later show their size to be of 131cm and their head proportionally large from humans ..they have a mono glided eye. Now what all it signify and what question about our that is human existence and their relations with ET it shows ??? Are humans related to ET or extraterrestrials in past and what the government is hiding from the common people ?? There are many questions which are needed to be answered …


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